Black International Cinema Black International Cinema

Black International Cinema

Interdisciplinary, Intercultural
Film/Video, Dance, Theatre, Music, Seminar & Gallery

Germany & U.S.A.


in association with

produced & directed by
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program Berlin
Cultural Zephyr e.V.

The BLACK INTERNATIONAL CINEMA is a yearly interdisciplinary, intercultural festival produced and directed by FOUNTAINHEAD® TANZ THEATRE / CULTURAL ZEPHYR e.V. and THE COLLEGIUM - FORUM & TELEVISION PROGRAM , screening cinema from the African diaspora and other films from varied intercultural backgrounds or perspectives. The festival focuses on presenting works of an artistic, cultural or political nature coinciding with the general educational, social, artistic and economic interest of people from Africa, the African Diaspora and people with an interest in intercultural communication and the interfacing and sharing of educational, social, artistic and economic resources.

Furthermore, the Black International Cinema is open to ALL filmmakers regardless of race, religion, national origin, gender or sexual persuasion.
Black International Cinema is an inclusive festival based upon our statement of intention and the objectives and methods as stated.

Entry deadline: DECEMBER 31, 2008



We are an international, intercultural community of persons engaged in achieving increasing understanding and cooperation between individuals and groups in support of democratic procedures and the elimination of violence, religious, ethnic and gender persecution, youth exploitation, homophobia and racial hatred through the process of art, education, culture and dialogue.

Wir sind eine internationale, interkulturelle Gemeinschaft von Personen mit dem Engagement für ein besseres Verständnis und wachsende Kooperation zwischen Individuen und Gruppen, mit Unterstützung des demokratischen Prozesses und der Beseitigung von Gewalt, Verfolgung aufgrund religiöser, ethnischer und geschlechtlicher Zugehörigkeit, Kindes- und Jungendmissbrauch, Homosexuellen-Feindlichkeit und von Rassenhass durch die Mittel der Kunst, der Bildung, der Kultur und des Dialogs.

...sont une communauté internationale et interculturelle de personnes qui s'engagent pour une meilleure compréhension, pour une coopération croissante entre les individus et les groupes, dans le but d'affirmer les aspirations démocratiques et de contribuer ainsi à éliminer la violence, l'antisémitisme, la discrimination des homosexuels et le racisme par le véhicule de l'art, de l'éducation, de la culture et du dialogue.

...kültürler ve uluslar arasi bir topluluk olarak, bireyler ve gruplar arasinda daha iyi bir anlayis ve is birlikteligi için angaje olmaktayiz, bununla demokratik bir sürecin destegiyle sanat, egitim, kültür ve dialog araciligi ile siddet, antisemitizm, homoseksüel düsmanligi ve irklar arasi kin ve nefret duzgusuna bir çözüm getirmek istiyoruz.

...é uma comunidade international e intercultural de pessoas empenhádas em melhorar a compreensão e aumentar a cooperação entre indivíduos e grupos, apoiando o processo democrãtico e a eliminação da violência, anti-semitismo, discriminação homossexual e racismo, a trave's da arte, educação, cultura e diálogo.

...sono una communità internazionale e interculturale di persone impegnate per una migliore comprensione e cooperazione tra gl'individui e i gruppi, con la meta di dare un impulso al processo democratico, eliminando cosi la violenza, l'antisemitismo, il rassismo e la discriminazione degli omosessuali - per questa realisazione ci sono gl'instrumenti dell'arte dell'educazione, della cultura e dello dialogo.

...son una comunidad internacional e intercultural de personas empenadas para una mejor comprensión y cooperación entre los individuos y grupos, con la meta de dar fuerza al impulso democrático y asi de eliminar también la violencia como el antisemitismo, el racismo y la discriminación de los homosexuales. Por eso se usan los medios del arte, de la educación, de la cultura y del diálogo.


1.) The presentation of films, seminars, exhibitions and performances by multi-national, -cultural, -racial and -ethnic groups of artists, filmmakers and intellectuals.

2.) The dissemination of information on a variety of issues of concern to people of the African Diaspora and people from other racial and ethnic backgrounds with convergent perspectives and interests.

3.) The encouragement of tolerance and respect for a multi-faceted society through direct and indirect contact thereby supporting the heightened awareness necessary for living in a multi-racial, -ethnic World, Country, Town, Community.

4.) To develop and promote the sharing of cultural, intellectual, economic and technological resources, that may be increasingly utilized to lessen the dependent state of many of the world's people.

5.) The annual publishing of the Black International Cinema Berlin, Germany & U.S.A. Anthology.

is open to
ALL filmmakers.


Entries invited from the African Diaspora and all Filmmakers dealing with issues relating to Intercultural and Multi-Heritaged Societies. Also entries of Children's and Art Films (i.e.: Dance, Theatre, Fine Arts, etc.)


35mm, 16mm, Video(NTSC, PAL, SECAM) U-Matic 3/4", Beta and Professional DVD.
VHS tapes only for pre-selection. The video tape of those cinematic works selected for presentation in the XXIV. Black International Cinema 2009, will be retained for festival archives.
All submissions must be sent to the Berlin, Germany address below.
When mailing, please designate the film package: For festival and cultural purposes.

Angela Kramer
Production Coordinator
Hohenfriedbergstr. 14
D-10829 Berlin, Germany
Tel.: 0049 30/782 16 21
Fax. 0049 30/786 34 66

Marion Kramer
Public Relations Co-ordinator
Fax. 0049 30/786 34 66

Original title of film:________________________________________________________

English title:______________________________________________________________

Filmmakers name - Mr.__Mrs.__Ms.__:________________________________________




Representative's name - Mr.__Mrs.__Ms.__:____________________________________




Country and Year of production:_____________________________________________

Language of commentary and dialogues:_____________________________________

Language of subtitles:_____________________________________________________

Category chosen if you wish to have your film/video placed in competition:


1. Best film/video by a Black filmmaker.

2. Best film/video on matters relating to the Black Experience/Marginalized People.

3. Best film/video by a German filmmaker or a filmmaker residing in Germany.

4. Best children's film/video.

5. Best film/video in the Fine Arts Discipline.

6. Best film/video documentary production.

Please provide short description of film/video.

Color:____ B/W:____ Running Time:_________min.

Original Format:_______________

Documentary:___ Animation:___ Narrative:___ Experimental:___

Does the participant agree to excerpts of her/his film/video (3 min. max) being broadcast on television?

YES:___ NO:___

Does the participant agree that the XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin, Germany & U.S.A. 2009 provide the television station with her/his film/video print for this purpose?


Is the participant in agreement with the inclusion of her/his film/video in other non profit projects distribution agreements/arrangements that may arise from the XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin, Germany & U.S.A. 2009?


Is the participant in agreement with the inclusion of her/his film/video in other for profit projects distribution - streaming agreements/arrangements that may arise from the Fountainhead¨ Tanz Theatre Film/Video Distribution Service in association with Freunde der Deutschen Kinemathek e.V. (Friends of the German Film Archive) and/or additional cinematic organizations, presenting "The Best of XXIV. Black International Cinema Berlin 2009" cinema series?


Please provide us with information as to how you obtained knowledge of the Black International Cinema Film/Video Festival.


Upon conclusion of the annual Black International Cinema Berlin festival, public relations materials are translated into English and along with program and poster, are returned to each filmmaker, accompanied by the original film/video format.
The translation process requires time, nevertheless, the festival organizers will return all materials as soon as possible.

The submission fee of 28,- Euro (in Euro only) must accompany all film/video submissions,
either in cash or transfer through the auspices of PayPal. Please utilize the following link to PayPal.





Please klick here to download the Entry Form 2009


"I may not make it if I try, but I damn sure won't if I don't..."
Oscar Brown Jr.
"Mankind will either find a way or make one."
C.P. Snow
"Whatever you do..., be cool!"
Joseph Louis Turner
"Yes, I can...!"
Sammy Davis Jr.

Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre (English)
Fountainhead® Tanz Theatre (German)
XIV. Black International Cinema 1999 (English)
XIV. Black International Cinema 1999 (German)
XV. Black International Cinema 2000
April 8 - June 11
Film - Video - Dance - Theatre & Gallery Listing

XVI. Black International Cinema 2001
May / June
Film & Video Selections

XVII. Black International Cinema 2002
May / June

XVIII. Black International Cinema 2003
XIX. Black International Cinema 2004
XX. Black International Cinema Berlin 2005
XXI. Black International Cinema Berlin 2006
XXII. Black International Cinema Berlin 2007
XXIII. Black International Cinema Berlin 2008
17 Years of Black International Cinema Film Awards 1991 - 2007
The Collegium - Forum & Television Program (English)
The Collegium - Forum & Fernsehmagazin (German)
Portraits & Poems
Classic in Black
Guest Book


eMail: bicdance@aol.comBlack International Cinema

[Marion Kramer, Anthony Phillips, Donald Muldrow Griffith].
Copyright © 1999 by [Fountainhead Tanz Theatre/ Black International Cinema/ The Collegium - Forum & Television Program
in association with Cultural Zephyr e.V.].
Revised: October 5, 2008.